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Fulton Ditch
Client: Fulton Ditch Company, Colorado
Water Resources Engineering - Water Rights Protection, Operations, GIS Applications and Mapping

The Fulton Ditch is a large ditch that diverts from the South Platte River approximately four miles below the confluence of the South Platte River and Clear Creek. The ditch serves approximately 12,000 acres of land northeast of Denver. Since 1994, SWE has assisted the Fulton Irrigating Ditch Company with a variety of matters, including canal operations, water rights protection, and river administration.

The Fulton Ditch is located in the vicinity of several Denver Water and South Adams County Water and Sanitation District ("SACWSD") gavel pit storage facilities.  SWE has represented the company in negotiations with the parties regarding the use of the ditch and operational issues associated with Denver Water and SACWSD water conveyance and storage facilities.

SWE has represented the company in negotiations with other water users regarding the construction, installation, and operation of augmentation stations on the ditch required to be installed by other parties that have transferred Fulton shares out of the ditch for municipal use.

SWE also reviews the water rights applications of other water users in order to determine if the application may have an adverse impact on the company's water rights.  SWE performs injury analyses, and prepares expert reports and water court disclosures when necessary.  SWE performs the engineering analyses in order to assist legal council in negotiations with applicants and represents the company in negotiations.

SWE has also performed detailed GIS mapping of the Fulton Ditch service area and ditch facilities, such as headgates and augmentation stations.


Spronk Water Engineers, Inc.
1000 N Logan Street
Denver, Colorado, 80203-3011
Phone: (303) 861-9700  |  Fax: (303) 861-9799